

Two double Olympic winners – Kristjan Palusalu and Andrus Veerpalu – are from Pärnu County. Additionally, Olympic winners Jaan Talts and Gerd Kanter, and Olympic medallists Raul Arnemann, Jüri Tamm, Jüri Jaanson, and Tõnu Endrekson are from here. Chess master Paul Keres was a student in Pärnu during his great break. The biggest sporting events in Pärnu County are Jüri Jaanson’s Two Bridge Run where thousands of runners and Nordic walkers, in addition to people in wheelchairs participate, as well as the Two Stadium Run, a bike excursion (Rattaretk), and several other popular sporting events. The traditional Vändra marathon, which has a long history, is once again being organised, in addition to the new Võidupüha marathon from Tori to Pärnu. Young footballers can participate in the international Summer Cup. Pärnu Yacht Club organises international championships in sailing. Jõulumäe Recreational Sports Centre in Pärnu County offers its visitors the possibility of doing sports throughout the year: artificial snow allows the visitors to enjoy the ski trails from December to April, as well as organise Scandinavian Cup competitions. Additionally, there are a number of trails for other sports. In the Pärnu Sports Hall, it is possible to both practise on your own and watch high-level sports battles. Local sports are organised by the Pärnu County Sports Association and several active non-profit associations.

 Here is a selection of sports and workout opportunities and their organisers:

Pärnu County Sports Union

Pärnu County School Federation

Jõulumäe Sports and Recreation Centre

Pärnu 2 Silla Klubi

Spordiklubi A2K

Pärnu kergliiklusteed ja terviserajad

Pärnu Spordihall

Sportimisvõimalused- ja rajatised Pärnus

Reiu-Raeküla Tervisespordi rajad

Kaisma terviserada

Valgeranna terviserada

Valgeranna Golf

RMK matkateed Pärnumaal ja Oandu-Ikla

Sõiduvahendite rent Pärnumaal

Valgeranna Seikluspark

Ringrada Audrus, Auto24Ring

Tervise Paradiisi Veekeskus ja sportimisvõimalused